A well-known problem in marriages is when couples feel that they are being fixed. Men and women become upset with the feeling that their spouses are trying to change them.
Both husbands and wives dislike it when they feel fixed. On top of that wives report receiving unasked advice when they state a problem. Many wives just want their husbands to listen to their pains and concerns.
Men are more focused on bringing a quick solution for the situation the woman is in while the woman is still pouring her heart out. It is more difficult for a man to listen and not bring the solution. They feel that they are not caring well for their spouse by being quiet.
On the other hand, the woman becomes frustrated, and in her view, the man neither listens nor pays attention to her.
Women appreciate it more when men listen and ask questions to keep the conversation going.
James 1: 19 says, My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
To listen to the pianist, play in the orchestra, one must know what piano sounds like to pick up the sound in the middle of all other sounds. Listening to a wife is the same for a man. Man has to know their wives well to understand when they express themselves and when the spouse wants a suggestion.
Husband, allow your wife to finish her thoughts and ask her how you can help. Don’t jump into the conversation with a solution, listen well and pay attention. Your wife can feel more relieved instead of being fixed.